[OPLINTECH] E-mail Programs

Karen Perone peroneka at oplin.org
Tue Nov 29 11:43:19 EST 2005

Call me old-fashioned, but I've been using Netscape's email program for 
years. It has a great filtering program that you can set up to remove 
the junk and it learns what to consider junk as you moved things to the 
junk folder.

As for a mail server, we set up a Windows-based server called M-Daemon 
from alt-n technologies 
(http://www.altn.com/products/default.asp?product%5Fid=MDaemon). It was 
reasonably priced, easy to set up and maintain, can be monitored via a 
web interface and has a virus protection add-on. It uses SpamAssassin as 
a built-in anti-spam feature. If spam gets through, the users (using 
web-based mail) can send the message to the spam folder to train the 
program. It's really working well for us.
--Karen Perone, Rodman Public Library

Mike Hensel wrote:
> I’m curious to know what other library’s are using and might recommend 
> for e-mail programs.  We currently use the basic IE Outlook Express and 
> Outlook but are having a lot of issues with SPAM.  Do you have a third 
> party software program that works great on filtering?

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