[OPLINTECH] Fiber Optic Internet Access

Maria Wilburn wilburma at oplin.org
Thu Oct 25 14:22:31 EDT 2007

Our local school system is doing a major building project and was 
looking into fiber optics. They've also been in contact with our city 
government. AT & T has informed them that fiber optics could be made 
available. The city manager has brought up the topic with us in hopes 
that the city, schools and possibly the library might be enough to 
spread out the financial burden.

Are any Ohio libraries using fiber optics for their internet connections?

How did you do this?

Do you have some kind of co-operative agreement with other entities in 
your community?

How does this work out with oplin and database access?

What cost and equipment considerations did you have to implement?

Maria Wilburn-Technology Coordinator
Carnegie Public Library
127 S North St.
Washington CH, OH 43160

(740) 335-2540 voice
(740) 335-8409 Fax
wilburma at oplin.org

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