[OPLINTECH] Domain squatters

David Popeck dpopeck at lkwdpl.org
Wed Feb 6 16:46:04 EST 2008

I would base the decision on patron confusion. The domains become more
valuable if you think that patrons will routinely go to them. If it
merely a CYA, aka (possibly) consider your assets, situation, then the
value drops.

On 2/6/08, Don Yarman <yarmando at delawarelibrary.org> wrote:
> I'm interested in some community opinions.
> My library has registered some domains, but there are squatters
> on a couple variants of those domains.  I'm making initial contact
> with the owners, hoping that their better natures prevail and they
> let me have them.
> But what if they don't?  What do you think might be a reasonable
> amount to offer to buy the domains?  These extra domains aren't
> ~vitally~ important to me -- I don't expect to be in a whitehouse_com
> situation -- but owning them would improve accessibility.
> Thanks for your input.
> --
>                    Don Yarman, Assistant Director
>                    Delaware County District Library
>                    84 E Winter St; Delaware OH 43015
>                    740.363.7277 | 740.369.0196 (fax)
>                    yarmando at delawarelibrary.org | AIM: yarmando
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David Popeck
Lakewood Public Library
Electronic Services, Supervisor
216-226-8275, ext. 126

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