[OPLINTECH] Public Wireless Access to SMTP Port 25

Rich Simmerman RSimmerman at daytonmetrolibrary.org
Tue Feb 17 13:31:55 EST 2009

Due to a recent incident of a public wireless user sending spam, we are
looking at what ports and applications we can comfortably make available
for use on our public wireless network and which one may need to be
blocked. Specific to the spam problem, we are curious as to what other
libraries are doing about public access to SMTP port 25. Do you allow it
or block it? We are implementing a public logon page that requires the
user to "accept" our public acceptable use  policy but of course that's
just a check box and doesn't stop the user from mischief after
"accepting" the rules.


I would think that with web access to Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook Web
Access, IMAP, and POP3 that the client mail issue would be sufficiently
covered for the serious business user who needs to access mail while
doing some work at the library. Blocking port 25 would only stop a
patron from running a full-fledged mail server over our network and I
can't see anyone wanting to do that on a wireless laptop. That's just my
own view however and I could well be overlooking valid reasons for
leaving port 25 open. The question is then, what are other libraries
doing? How are you controlling public wireless access and what
application ports do you leave open? Is this sort of thing causing
anyone any grief? I would very much appreciate suggestions,
recommendations, horror stories, or success stories.



My Thanks,


Richard S. Simmerman

Network Operations Manager

Dayton Metro Library

(937) 496-8555

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