[OPLINTECH] Desktop for the senior citizen population

Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Wed Nov 11 11:15:18 EST 2009

I saw that article too and poked around with ELDY v2.1.  It doesn't 
really appear to be well-suited for general library use. However, it 
might be useful for a person's home computer for individuals who are 
completely computer-illiterate and are likely to stay that way 
(...ELDY's target audience).

At least one of the features, Skype, must already be installed and 
configured on the computer. So somebody with some minor level of 
knowledge must help set things up a bit prior to use.

ELDY itself doesn't seem to handle multiple users on the same computer. 
However, I suspect that the user data is stored (on Windows, anyway) in 
the user profile, so if the user logs into their own Windows profile, 
the ELDY profile probably changes as well. Then again, I was forced to 
create a user account during ELDY's installation. I don't know what 
would happen if I tried to use ELDY under a different user profile. I 
didn't try.

Bottom line is that I don't think it's something I'm going to be 
installing or suggesting for my public computers. If it was better 
suited to casual-use by random individuals, I might reconsider.

Anyone else try it?


Chad Neeper
Senior Systems Engineer

Level 9 Networks
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

--   Full LAN/WAN consulting services   --
-- Specialized in libraries and schools --

Ed Liddle wrote:
> The BBC has an article http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8352606.stm
> about a computer with a gui that makes it easy for elderly people to
> use. The main screen has six big buttons in it. 
> The website for the Desktop software is in Italian. It can be found at
> http://eldy.org You may find http://translate.google.com helpful to
> translate the site to English. There is also an english version that can
> be found here http://www.eldy.eu/ 
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