[OPLINTECH] New Ohio Web Library search (test 2)

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Tue Jan 28 14:42:02 EST 2014

Thanks to user feedback and suggestions (some really good ones from Michele Raine at Wood County District Public Library), we've made some improvements to the proposed new Ohio Web Library search interface, and we invite you to take another look and send us even more ideas.

If you test http://new.ohioweblibrary.org, here are the recent changes you'll see:
- added "(ebooks)" text to "Ohio Digital Library" source name
- using the term "source" instead of target/resource/source for uniformity
- added more custom first results for common search terms (e.g., try "legal forms")
- changed "(no results)" in sources list to display in red
- updated the source checkbox tooltip to be more descriptive
- updated the magnifying glass tooltip to be more descriptive
- changed "Librarians:24x7" to "KnowItNow24x7" and added descriptive tooltip
- added "close this window" link in the preview window
- logo and sub-text disappear on search to maximize vertical screen space
- enhanced xml encoding functions to reduce parsing errors
- listing of locally purchased databases shows in lower left of results

This last item is a big change that will expose locally purchased sources. It's automatic from within a library, and allows remote users to choose a library. The lists of locally purchased databases come from the "Locally Purchased Resources" tab on the http://oplin.org/databases page, which in turn comes from lists that you all have sent to support at oplin.org.

What do you think?

Stephen Hedges, Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen Hedges" <hedgesst at oplin.org>
> To: oplinupdates at lists.oplin.org
> Cc: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org, "OPLINTECH" <oplintech at lists.oplin.org>
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 9:41:05 AM
> Subject: New Ohio Web Library search (test)
> We've been making some changes to the current ohioweblibrary.org resource
> site, and invite you to take a look at the new version and let us know what
> you think could be improved.
> The new test version is located at http://new.ohioweblibrary.org. Behind the
> scenes, we have changed the way we retrieve information from the databases,
> and we think it makes for a better and faster list of search results. Also
> you'll notice that a list of all the database targets appears after you
> enter a search term, so you can remove and add targets quickly and re-do
> your search if you want. Clicking on the name of a target takes you directly
> to their website.
> We've also added a "preview" capability (the looking-glass icon after the
> article title) if you want to view the article without leaving the search
> website. Is that useful?
> One big change is the inclusion of the Ohio Digital Library as a target, so
> ebooks are included in search results. Is this a good thing?
> You can give us your comments by email, chat, or phone, just go to
> http://support.oplin.org.
> Thanks!
> --
> Stephen Hedges, Director
> Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
> 2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
> 614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org

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