[OPLINTECH] Microsoft Office 365 question for the Borg Collective

Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Tue May 5 12:05:53 EDT 2015

Hi all!

I'm not well versed in Microsoft Office 365. I've not had to deal with it
until... *ahem* ...Karl's prompting in March.  ;-)

However, I've helped a couple of libraries set it up and they have been
using it quite happily. It was initially set up and licensed using the
default Education E3 license you get with the trial account. But the
libraries qualified for and obtained the free E1. So, all of the user
accounts, including the initial admin account were switched to the E1
license. Naturally, after the 30-day eval, the E3 licenses expired and
Microsoft sent out their expiration warnings. No big deal; just ignore and
everything's been fine.

Now, however, I'm seeing a different warning saying that the E3 for
Students Trial *account* is about to be *disabled* in 7 days. I'm just
hoping for some re-assurance that since all of the user accounts are
assigned to the E1 license that things aren't going to blow up in 7 days!!!

When I look at Admin Center -> Billing -> Licenses, I see three licenses
listed:  E1 for Faculty with all 12 users assigned,  E3 for Faculty with 0
users assigned, and E3 for Students with 0 users assigned. Both the E3
licenses have been expired for almost a month now and the library has been
using the E1 licenses.

I'd be perfectly fine if the E3 licenses vanished from the Licenses page,
but not so much happy if the "account" really does become disabled and the
e-mail accounts get killed. That would be a deju vu kind of bad.  :-(

We were perhaps a week or so later than some other libraries that may have
switched to Office 365, so I'm hoping someone else has already successfully
held their breath and successfully navigated this particular warning. Can
anyone maybe give me a little reassurance on this one?

Very much appreciated!

*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

*Full IT/Computer consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and
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