[OPLINTECH] Fwd: Beware of misleading pop-up messages

OPLIN Support oplinsupport at gmail.com
Fri May 22 15:03:43 EDT 2015

In the past few months, we have received reports of a pop-up message
reporting to be from OPLIN, asking the user to either take a survey or run
an online diagnostic test because a problem was detected or other such

These messages ARE NOT from OPLIN, but are phishing attempts trying to
obtain information or get you to install malicious software on the computer.

Don't get hooked by phishing.

   - Be suspicious of messages asking for personal information
   - In email, check that the sender's email address and URL look legit
   - If the message has poor grammar, it is suspect
   - Be suspicious of language urging you to act quickly
   - Don't give out passwords, bank account info, or social security #

Bottom line - Don't trust, verify!

Vincent M. Riley
OPLIN Support Center
Ohio Public Library Information Network
2323 W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 130
Columbus, OH  43204
Phone:  (614) 728-5252
Email:  support at oplin.org
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