[OPLINTECH] Fwd: FCC Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Round 3 and Form 471 Workshops Scheduled

Don Yarman don at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed Apr 6 11:54:03 EDT 2022

With the opening of the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Round 3 Form
471 filing window on April 28th, Lorrie Germann has  scheduled
workshops that will provide information regarding this new round of
ECF and a step-by-step walk-through of the ECF Form 471 application.
In addition, she will discuss lessons learned from Rounds 1 and 2.
There are both AM and PM sessions that will hopefully accommodate most
of you and the content covered will be appropriate for both school and
library applicants. Each session should last approximately 2.5 hours.

To register, go to https://www.ohio-k12.help/ecf/ecf-events/ and click
on "Click to Register" for your preferred date.

                    Don Yarman (he/him/his)
                    Director, Ohio Public Library Information Network
                    2323 W Fifth Ave Suite 130, Columbus OH 43204
                    don at oplin.ohio.gov | 614.728.5250

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