[OPLINTECH] Scheduled Turn-On of PCs in the morning?

Nathan Eady oplintech at galionlibrary.net
Mon Aug 1 14:20:18 EDT 2022


I've had a request, that I set up the computers here to turn themselves
on in the morning shortly before people start to arrive.  My first
coherent thought on the matter (after the initial "say WHAT?") was that
maybe I could possibly make it happen with Wake On LAN somehow, but I'm
discovering that despite how old WOL is, there's a disturbing amount of
variety, from one computer to another, in terms of whether and to what
extent the firmware implements WOL.  (Most of our computers use onboard
LAN, as opposed to expansion-slot NICs.)

So now I'm wondering if there's some more reliable mechanism, that I'm
not aware of, to automatically power-on computers that have been shut
down for the night.

Nathan Eady
Galion Public Library

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