[OPLINTECH] Scheduled Turn-On of PCs in the morning?

Joe Knueven joe at wilmington.lib.oh.us
Mon Aug 1 14:43:02 EDT 2022

This is going to sound horrible, but what I do is leave them running all night.  I've found the following advantages to this:

-no wear and tear on power buttons, which on public computers got pressed far more often than on any other desktop I've seen used by an individual

-one less task to ask the staff to do at closing time (in my experience, they routinely got missed being turned off at night anyway)

-I can schedule updates in deep freeze to run at hours when network traffic is lightest (such as 2-4am)

-staff do not have to turn computers on in the morning.  My original reason for doing this was that far too often, the staff would not turn on the public computers until a patron came up to the desk 15-30 minutes after opening to complain that the computers are all turned off

I do have the monitors set to go into a standby mode and with the fleet updated in 2019 to lower power modern-ish systems, leaving them on isn't exactly the kind of power draw or room heating situation a fleet of Pentium 4 PCs would have been back in the day.  

Have a good day.


Joe Knueven, Director

Wilmington Public Library

268 N South Street

Wilmington, OH 45177

937-382-6165 x101 (direct)

937-382-2417 (public)

---- On Mon, 01 Aug 2022 14:20:18 -0400 Nathan Eady via OPLINTECH <oplintech at lists.oplin.org> wrote ---


I've had a request, that I set up the computers here to turn themselves
on in the morning shortly before people start to arrive.  My first
coherent thought on the matter (after the initial "say WHAT?") was that
maybe I could possibly make it happen with Wake On LAN somehow, but I'm
discovering that despite how old WOL is, there's a disturbing amount of
variety, from one computer to another, in terms of whether and to what
extent the firmware implements WOL.  (Most of our computers use onboard
LAN, as opposed to expansion-slot NICs.)

So now I'm wondering if there's some more reliable mechanism, that I'm
not aware of, to automatically power-on computers that have been shut
down for the night.

Nathan Eady
Galion Public Library
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