[OPLINTECH] [OPLINupdates] OPLIN Staffing Announcement

Karl Jendretzky karl at oplin.ohio.gov
Fri Feb 11 07:06:19 EST 2022

Good morning all,

Thank you very much for the kind words.

I've truly enjoyed working with the library community over the past 15
years, and look forward to all of the neat things we're going to build
together in the future.

Karl Jendretzky
Technology Projects Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
(614) 728-1515
karl at oplin.ohio.gov

On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 1:37 PM Don Yarman via OPLINupdates <
oplinupdates at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> With mixed emotions, I must tell you that Karl Jendretzky's last day at
> OPLIN is Friday, February 11.
> For fifteen years, every library in Ohio has directly benefited from
> Karl's intelligence, expertise, creativity and dedication as OPLIN's
> Library Technology Project Manager. In that role, he has upgraded and
> administered the network, shepherded countless projects big and small to
> completion, and directly built so many of the tools that underpin OPLIN's
> services to libraries—and in some cases, your library's services to
> patrons. The OPLIN staff and I will miss him, but he leaves OPLIN in a
> strong and stable state. And he won't be far away: he stays "in the
> family," leaving OPLIN for a terrific opportunity within one of Ohio's
> public libraries.
> If you've worked with Karl, I know you'll join me in wishing him all the
> best.
>                     Don Yarman (he/him/his)
>                     Director, Ohio Public Library Information Network
>                     2323 W Fifth Ave Suite 130, Columbus OH 43204
>                     don at oplin.ohio.gov | 614.728.5250
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