Matt Leffler m.leffler at lanepl.org
Sat Jan 15 13:45:35 EST 2022

   While I don't have experience using it (currently using our firewall
manufacture's solution), if I were in you situation I would be looking to
implement Nebula https://www.defined.net/nebula/
Take note to look at their guide to extend network access beyond overlay
hosts: https://www.defined.net/nebula/unsafe_routes/
  The other option I noticed was SoftEther VPN https://www.softether.org/
Relating to your use

Good luck,

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dan Will <danwill at meigslibrary.org>
> To: "'OPLINTECH'" <OPLINTECH at lists.oplin.org>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 13:32:25 -0500
> Subject: [OPLINTECH] VPN Solutions
> Hi all,
>      We have been using OpenVPN for several years to allow connections
> from home for our supervisory staff and for remote connection to our
> circulation software. Well OpenVPN has decided to jump drastically their
> user license fees and we are looking for alternatives that don’t break the
> bank. All we need to do is allow access to the LAN and to forward Internet
> traffic through out firewall for those connections.
> Suggestions please,
> Dan Will
> Meigs County District Public Library
> Technology Supervisor
> danwill at meigslibrary.org
> 740.992.5813

Matt Leffler
Systems Administrator
The Lane Libraries
1396 University Blvd.
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
(513) 894-0113 ext. 1626
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