[OPLINTECH] Online gaming

Tyson Horton tyson at mywcpl.org
Wed Nov 16 09:16:32 EST 2022

Does anyone out there use/subscribe to any of the online gaming platforms
for gaming in your libraries? We're looking to start some gaming nights and
are going to be using all the gaming consoles, but would also like to have
a computer based option for those that are more into that. We are in the
process of setting up a new computer lab and I want to set it up to allow
our youth that come in regularly to be able to play more than Minecraft and
Roblox. Essentially, I'm just looking for info right now. Like what are you
using and what does your setup look like? If you do subscribe to these
services, are you able to use one account on all computers, or do you need
multiple accounts for each computer? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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