[OPLINTECH] Register today for the Fall E-rate Workshop - Thursday, October 27

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Tue Oct 4 11:17:00 EDT 2022


Registration for the *Fall FY2023 E-rate Workshop*
<https://events.library.ohio.gov/event/9737635> is now open.  The workshop
will be online again this year.

In this workshop Lorrie Germann, State E-rate Coordinator, will cover
changes to E-rate and a line by line review of the Form 470. Plan to attend
to make sure you have the most up-to-date information.

This public library-specific session is scheduled for *Thursday, October 27*

*9am-12pm*: Overview of the E-rate process and upcoming changes for this
funding year
*12pm-1pm*: Lunch break
*1pm-3pm*: Line-by-line review of Form 470, the first step in the
application process

*Register now at https://events.library.ohio.gov/event/9737635

Questions? Feel free to email me at christine at oplin.ohio.gov.


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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