[OPLINTECH] World Book Resource Refresher - Still time to register for tomorrow's webinar

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Mon Aug 7 13:27:45 EDT 2023


In preparation for back-to-school time, we have partnered with World Book
to offer a refresher on one of the most popular parts of the Ohio Web
Library: the World Book suite.

Consider joining Shea Thayer, World Book Training Coordinator, for a quick
refresher that will bring you a new appreciation for all of these
resources--as well as insights into a few hidden gems--tomorrow, August 8
at 3pm.
*There is still time to register at

Questions? Contact me at christine at oplin.ohio.gov or 614-728-5252.

Hope to see you there!

Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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