[OPLINTECH] Lessons Learned from ECF Hotspot Lending: Requests for Comments from ALA and the FCC

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed Dec 20 12:47:01 EST 2023


There have been a variety of experiences with hotspot lending in libraries,
and there may be a new opportunity to address the specific experiences of
libraries and the ECF program.

The FCC is considering rules to make hotspots eligible for E-rate funding
in the future, and OPLIN is working with both ALA and other groups to
gather feedback on those proposed rules (formally known as the "Notice of
Proposed Rule Making," or NPRM).  The NPRM (all 50+ pages!) can be found at

Specifically, if your library did not participate in ECF, ALA would like to
know if that was because of the application process, the record keeping
requirements, or some other issue?

Please contact me at christine at oplin.ohio.gov with your feedback, or you
can respond directly to the FCC at
before January 8.


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
614-728-5252 (OPLIN Support)
614-728-0227 (direct)
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