[OPLINTECH] so long

Danny Will danwill at meigs.onmicrosoft.com
Tue Jan 3 07:36:04 EST 2023

Hi All,
     As I sit here contemplating my last day at work, I find myself wanting to thank the Oplin Tech community. I have spent the last 28
or so years working on computers and working with many of you. After 32 years working in an Ohio Library, it is time that I step away.
A lot has happened over that time. Fellow employees have come and gone, Directors have changed and renovations have occurred.
I can say for sure that I have worked with some mighty fine people & that Ohio Libraries are tops! As my life has changed & so have
my goals for the rest of my life. I once saw myself working until I couldn't anymore. That is no longer the case. Time to enjoy and relax
(if that is possible, when on vacation I always seemed to work harder for myself... ) Anyway, thanks you to those who have supported
ALL Oho libraries at Oplin. Thank you to all the friends I have made along the way.

Dan Will
Meigs County District Public Library
Technology Supervisor
danwill at meigslibrary.org<mailto:danwill at meigslibrary.org>

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