[OPLINTECH] Pfsense 2.7

Ron Woods woodsro at stclibrary.org
Mon Jun 26 15:40:12 EDT 2023


Are any other libraries out there using Pfsense? We have been using it here in STC for many years, it is a very solid extensible open source firewall system.

The newest version 2.7 is getting ready to drop here in a few weeks. 



It is a pretty big upgrade from previous versions. on the backend they have overhauled the entire FreeBSD base from version 12 to 14, and they also had to make quite a few compatibility changes moving from PP 7.4.x to 8.2.6. As I had been following the Redmine very closely over the last year. 


If anyone else out there is using it, what are your upgrade plans come post June 29th? I have a set of identical hardware to my production box that I plan to convert my existing configuration to the new 2.7, and then i will create a backup box based on 2.6 with my current set up before i upgrade my production box. If anyone has any suggestions or things they are going to do, i'd appreciate it if you would post. 



Ron Woods
Computer Services Manager
St. Clairsville Public Library
740-695-2062 ext 619

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