[OPLINTECH] E-rate Updates for November 7: EPC back online, E-rate Workshop registration still open

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Tue Nov 7 10:26:24 EST 2023


There are two E-rate items of note today:

   - The upgrade to the E-rate Productivity Center is complete, and you can
   once again log into EPC
      - Full details about the upgrade, which was done to move invoicing
      into EPC, can be found here:
      - *Reminder*: Account Administrators should review the BEAR filing
      permissions in EPC to make sure that the correct BEAR filer(s) is
      authorized.  Last December, USAC carried legacy system permissions into
      EPC, but any new BEAR permissions established in the legacy system so far
      in 2023 will have to be reestablished in EPC.
   - Registration is still open for Fall FY2024 E-rate Workshop for
   libraries next Thursday: https://events.library.ohio.gov/event/11305539

Best wishes,

Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
614-728-5252 (OPLIN Support)
614-728-0227 (direct)
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