[OPLINTECH] Upgrade or renew branch internet service

Don Yarman don at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed Oct 11 09:13:06 EDT 2023

Last year, we saw prices drop dramatically for high speed internet and data
service for library branches. If you haven't looked into new contracts for
a few years, I encourage you to check out OPLIN's statewide branch internet
RFP. Even if your current contract doesn't expire for a few years, you may
find that the savings and the upgrade in speed are worth more than the cost
of ending your current contract early.

Visit https://oplin.ohio.gov/branch470, where you'll find a simple form to
get started. Filling out the form does not obligate you to follow through
on a contract, so you really have nothing to lose.

Feel free to reach out to me with your questions.

                    Don Yarman (he/him/his)
                    Director, Ohio Public Library Information Network
                    2323 W Fifth Ave Suite 130, Columbus OH 43204
                    don at oplin.ohio.gov | 614.728.5250
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