[OPLINTECH] *External* Microsoft - Nonprofit vs Academic Pricing & Features

Justin Bumbico jbumbico at columbuslibrary.org
Fri Jan 26 09:32:13 EST 2024


I just wanted to follow up on this thread and share what we ended up doing and what I learned.

We recommended staying within our current agreement and continuing on academic for two additional years.  We were able to do this since we were technically mid-contract but due to our policies, our board had to approve this, which happened yesterday.

Regarding other library feedback....

  *   One library shared they did move from Academic to Nonprofit and the pricing was flat.  Although feature and product alignment came in to play across the licensing paths as to the components which were available.
  *   One library shared that as a new Microsoft 365 customer their option was to join the nonprofit licensing path.
  *   A few libraries shared that they have not been pushed to move to nonprofit.
  *   While some other libraries stated they've always been on nonprofit.

Regarding CML...

  *   CML has been on Academic since I've been here (2014).  Our move to 365 was 2012ish, so I assume we've been on academic since that time.
  *   With the new Copilot offerings, we have been keeping an eye on these and there definitely is an order (across the licensing paths) as to when products become available.
     *   So your mileage may vary depending on what licensing path you are in and what features you may be trying to adopt.
  *   Microsoft did indicate to us that nonprofit is typically more costly, but it of course depends on many other factors.
     *   We were not able to get a comparison quote as there was new nonprofit customer paperwork that was a pre-requisite before being able to see pricing.

With all that said, I don't really have any more clarity than where I started.  From what I gather, if the reseller and/or Microsoft is not flagging the account it appears that you could remain in academic, but to be aware that at a new contract, libraries could be flagged to move to nonprofit.

Thank you,

From: OPLINTECH <oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org> on behalf of Justin Bumbico via OPLINTECH <oplintech at lists.oplin.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2024 1:36 PM
To: oplintech at lists.oplin.org <oplintech at lists.oplin.org>
Subject: *External* [OPLINTECH] Microsoft - Nonprofit vs Academic Pricing & Features

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Hello All and Happy New Year!

I have a question regarding Microsoft licensing and the direction from Microsoft to move libraries from the Academic licensing path to the Nonprofit path.

This topic came up in at least two OPLINTECH threads last year.

  *   https://lists.oplin.org/pipermail/oplintech/2023-February/006408.html
  *   https://lists.oplin.org/pipermail/oplintech/2023-March/006439.html

My questions are...

  1.  For those who were on Academic before and moved to Nonprofit, how did this impact your pricing?
I don't need anything super specific, but in general did your pricing go up, down or was the shift neutral.

  2.  Has anyone had issues with features or products that you adopted which were available in the Academic tier that were not available in the Nonprofit tier?
     *   I have heard from one library that one of the products available in Academic was not available in Nonprofit.  I'm not familiar enough with how features are introduced to the licensing paths, but there seems to be an order of precedence and in some cases that there is not feature availability across all paths.
        *   I have noticed that some of the new AI components (Copilot and Bing Chat for Enterprise) have only been initially released to enterprise customers.

At the moment, it seems that we will eventually end up in the Nonprofit path, so I'm trying to anticipate any pitfalls before that happens.

Thanks in advance.


Justin Bumbico │ Director of Information Technology

Columbus Metropolitan Library | Main Library

96 S. Grant Ave. | Columbus, OH 43215

614.479.3038 office │614.592.7640 cell

jbumbico at columbuslibrary.org<mailto:jbumbico at columbuslibrary.org>

My pronouns are: he/him/his

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