[OPLINTECH] OPLIN DMARC report analyzer

Jessica Dooley jessica at oplin.ohio.gov
Mon Jan 29 15:36:31 EST 2024

A reminder that starting this week, Google and Yahoo will enforce best
practices for email sent to Gmail and Yahoo recipients. Google has
published detailed guidance <https://support.google.com/mail/answer/81126>
for ensuring your library's email is delivered to Gmail inboxes

Configuring DMARC for your mail domain, even with a policy of "none," gives
you visibility into how recipient mailservers handle your mail by providing
you with DMARC deliverability reports. Reviewing DMARC reports can help
find misconfigurations of your SPF and DKIM records, among other issues.

OPLIN is hosting an instance of parsedmarc
<https://github.com/domainaware/parsedmarc> to help you manage your DMARC
reports without a subscription product. Parsedmarc summarizes DMARC reports
for easy review in a Kibana dashboard and weekly CSV summaries. To add an
account for your library, please email support at oplin.ohio.gov.

Please drop me a note if I can answer any questions. Have a good week,

Jessica D. Dooley (she/her)
Technology Project Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
jessica at oplin.ohio.gov

On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 3:59 PM Jessica Dooley <jessica at oplin.ohio.gov>

> A friendly reminder for email administrators:
> Google
> <https://blog.google/products/gmail/gmail-security-authentication-spam-protection/>
> and Yahoo
> <https://blog.postmaster.yahooinc.com/post/730172167494483968/more-secure-less-spam>
> announced that starting in February 2024 they will enforce best practices
> for email sent to Gmail and Yahoo recipients. Additional guidelines apply
> to domains sending more than 5,000 messages/day.
> To ensure that email you send will continue to be delivered successfully:
>    - Configure SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for your mail domain.
>    - Ensure that mail from your domain passes DMARC alignment.
>    - Ensure the IP address sending mail for your domain has a PTR record.
>    - Verify that mail sent from your domain is standards compliant (RFC
>    5322).
>    - Include one-click unsubscribe links.
> Google's email sender guidelines:
> https://support.google.com/mail/answer/81126
> Yahoo's email sender guidelines:
> https://senders.yahooinc.com/best-practices/
> A good resource for planning DMARC implementation or enabling enforcement:
> https://seanthegeek.net/459/demystifying-dmarc/
> Some general guidelines:
> Review third-party service providers that send email on behalf of your
> domain.
> If you send a high volume of mail, consider implementing an outbound mail
> rate limit.
> Monitor the deliverability of mail sent by your domain, and review DMARC
> reports provided by recipient servers.
> Please drop me a note if I can answer any questions. Have a good
> afternoon,
> Jessica D. Dooley (she/her)
> Technology Project Manager
> Ohio Public Library Information Network
> jessica at oplin.ohio.gov
> 614-728-5254
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