[oplinwebkits] Reminder: ALL non-critical requests/work on Web Kits on hiatus during November

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.org
Mon Oct 18 08:39:52 EDT 2010

  /**This is a reminder about ALL Web Kit work being on hiatus in 

Hello all,

As some of you are already aware, there are currently two different 
versions of the OPLIN Web Kits.  The early (usually beta) releases that 
OPLIN did in 2008 or early 2009 were created using Drupal 5.  Since 
then, Drupal 6 has become the norm and newer Web Kits have been using it 
successfully for over a year.

It is our goal to move all of the Drupal 5 Kits to version 6 this 
November.  ***During November, ALL Web Kit work will be on hiatus so 
that we can focus on doing these upgrades*.** /This means that *any* 
non-critical requests or work on Kits that are "in progress" will be 
queued so that they will be begun after the migrations are complete./

It is our hope to complete all of the 5-to-6 upgrades and migrations by 
the end of November (keep your fingers crossed!).  Please don't hesitate 
to ask if you have any questions.  Thanks in advance for your patience!


-- *
Laura Solomon, **MCIW, MLS*
/Library Services Manager/
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. 5th Avenue Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio 43204
614.728.5252 (voice)
(614)728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.org <mailto:laura at oplin.org>
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