[oplinwebkits] Forthcoming feature(s)

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.org
Wed Jan 26 10:37:43 EST 2011

Hello all,

Many of you have already had the Foursquare service 
(http://www.foursquare.com) button installed to your OPLIN Dyamic Web 
Kits.  For those who do not have them yet, they will be installed in the 
next week or two on your site's "Contact" page.  In addition, we will be 
adding a module that will be new to many of you, called "Add to Any."  
This allows your online visitors to easily share your site content out 
to their favorite social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and many 
more.  You can see a variant of this at work on the OPLIN 4Cast blog 
(http://www.oplin.org/4cast).  I'll be sending out another email when 
all of the installations are done, but look for that button to start 
appearing on your sites.  If you have any questions, please feel free to 
email me at laura at oplin.org <mailto:laura at oplin.org>.  Thanks,


-- *
Laura Solomon, **MCIW, MLS*
/Library Services Manager/
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. 5th Avenue Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio 43204
614.728.5252 (voice)
(614)728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.org <mailto:laura at oplin.org>
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