[oplinwebkits] We need some help updating the OPLIN Web Kits listserv

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.org
Wed Jul 20 08:16:21 EDT 2011

Hello all, 

We're trying to update the membership list for OPLIN Dynamic Website Kit clients' listserv. Could you please let me know if you: 

    • Know someone at your library who should be on this listserv, but isn't? Please email me their name and email address. 
    • Shouldn't be on this listserv anymore? 

Thanks for your help! 


Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS 
Library Services Manager 
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) 
2323 W. 5th Avenue Suite 130 
Columbus, Ohio 43204 
614.728.5252 (voice) 
( 614)728-5256 (fax) 
laura at oplin.org 
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