[oplinwebkits] If your library uses Zinio logos, *please read*

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.org
Thu Apr 10 11:40:33 EDT 2014

Hello all, 

OPLIN has been contacted by a representative of Zinio. Zinio has noticed that some Dynamic Website Kit libraries are using incorrect logos or logos that have been incorrectly modified. 

Zinio has strict rules about what can and cannot be used/said about Zinio on library websites. (See email, below.) They do not allow ANY of their logos to be altered. As you know, OPLIN does not generally create vendor logos, but embeds those that libraries send to us (if they are in sidebars). Most libraries embed logos on their own, and/or use them in rotating banners. 

If your library is currently advertising Zinio, in any way, on its website, please take the following actions: 

    * If the logo is in a sidebar, and is NOT one of the ones attached to this email, please notify me immediately so we can swap it out for a correct logo. 
    * If you are promoting Zinio in any other way on your site, please be sure to read through the brief email below and then make corrections as needed. 

I will be sending separate emails to several libraries that Zinio has noticed are in violation of their display policies. However, neither Zinio nor OPLIN has done an exhaustive sweep, and I know that libraries do not purposely intend to be non-compliant with their rules. Therefore, please take the time to make sure that your library is doing the right thing. 

Thanks for your help, 



Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS 
Library Services Manager , Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) 
(614) 728-5252 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax) 
laura at oplin.org | http://www.oplin.org/ 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Debbie McDonald" <dmcdonald at recordedbooks.com> 
To: solomola at oplin.org 
Sent: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 9:33:46 AM 
Subject: Zinio digital magazine logos 

Hi Laura, 

I hope you had a nice vacation. I’m just now catching up on to-do list items after being out of town myself. We had talked last month and I had promised to send you Zinio digital magazine logos. Please see attached. 

Recorded Books and our partners do not allow any of the logos to be altered. Zinio also has rules about wording: 

These are phrases that should not be featured in any Zinio promotion: 

v Free subscriptions (reason: technically a patron/user elects to check out issue by issue) 

v Never buy print magazines again (reason: many users have both print and digital editions) 

v Always available (reason: you may not choose to always subscribe to every magazine) 

Recorded Books offers these digital resources: Zinio digital magazines, OneClickdigital, Worldcrunch, IndieFlix, Transparent Language Online, Fast Pencil, RB Test Prep, LawDepot, Signing Savvy, Atomic Training, BenchPrep, Kudda, GymAmerica. 

I know you’re working on a lot of websites, so, if you have any questions or need logos for any of our products, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Thanks, Laura. 

All best wishes, 


Debbie McDonald 

Recorded Books, Inc. 

dmcdonald at recordedbooks.com 


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