[oplinwebkits] If your site has built-in search of the Ohio Digital Library...

Douglas Anderson andersdo at oplin.org
Tue Sep 9 12:24:35 EDT 2014

Laura --

It looks like this would affect us. ACDL is one of the libraries that would
like the workaround.

Thanks --


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Laura Solomon <laura at oplin.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> *If your site does *not* have a built-in search of the Ohio Digital
> Library (it's a search option along with "site," "catalog," and "Ohio Web
> Library"), feel free to ignore this message.*
> For the rest of you, we've become aware of an issue that's been created
> with the addition of OverDrive adding the new Kids and Teens interfaces to
> the ODL.  The default behavior is now to retain whichever interface was
> last used (e.g., Kids, Teens, main) on a particular computer, rather than
> resetting to the main (adult) interface when a new session is started.
> This causes an issue, because OverDrive's cookies essentially don't ever
> expire once they're set (well, OK, they *do* expire...in 15 years).  So, if
> a patron did a search on ODL's Kids section, the next patron to use the
> search will get the ODL Kids page/interface, even if that's not what they
> wanted.
> Thanks to Karl Jendretzky, OPLIN now has a way to circumvent the default
> OverDrive behavior. * If your site is one of the Website Kits that has
> this built-in option, please email me directly (laura at oplin.org
> <laura at oplin.org>) with the name of your library, and I'll add in the new
> workaround.  *​Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.  Thanks,
> Laura
> --
> *Laura Solomon, *MCIW, MLS
> *Library Services Manager*, Ohio Public Library Information Network
> (614) 728-5252 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
> laura at oplin.org |http://www.oplin.org/
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Douglas E. Anderson, Reference Coordinator
Ashtabula County District Library
335 W. 44th St.
Ashtabula, OH 44004 USA
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