[oplinwebkits] Could your site use the (free) "Flippy Thing?"

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed Jul 11 08:48:13 EDT 2018

(That's how we affectionately refer to one of our newer services for
OPLIN's Website Kit clients.)

Have you seen online newsletters that allow the user to "flip" the pages?

If your library has a PDF version of its newsletter, we can convert it to
the "Flippy Thing" format and either embed it as a sidebar item (see the
sidebar of https://www.tusclibrary.org as an example) or even embed it in a
page (see https://www.euclidlibrary.org/about/lines for an example of an
embedded version).

In addition to the clean, intuitive interface, online visitors can zoom,
share and download easily, and even search.

Have multiple newsletters, or some other PDF document you think would be a
good use of the "Flippy Thing?" *No charge!* Just send me your PDF and let
me know what URL of your site to put it on. It's really that easy!

*Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS*
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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