[oplinwebkits] New on the Client Resource site: Back to School 🏫

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Fri Aug 12 07:16:52 EDT 2022

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[image: School books & stars] School books & stars
[image: School bell] School bell
[image: Blue and white school supplies] Blue and white school supplies
[image: School bus] School bus
[image: Woman chemistry teacher and chemistry supplies] Woman chemistry
teacher and chemistry supplies
Latest Storyblocks
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Open configuration options
[image: Back to school chalkboard]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/back-school-chalkboard> Back to school
chalkboard <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/back-school-chalkboard>
[image: Pile of books with an apple on top with chalkboard]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/pile-books-apple-top-chalkboard> Pile of
books with an apple on top with chalkboard
[image: Elementary school children in school]
school children in school
[image: School supplies left border]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/school-supplies-left-border> School
supplies left border
[image: School supplies on bottom border]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/school-supplies-bottom-border> School
supplies on bottom border
Latest Visual Storyblocks
Open Latest Visual Storyblocks configuration options
Open configuration options
[image: Lightbulb lit]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/lightbulb-lit> Lightbulb
lit <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/lightbulb-lit>
[image: Backpack]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/backpack-background> Backpack
background <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/backpack-background>
[image: Backpack with school supplies]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/backpack-school-supplies> Backpack with
school supplies <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/backpack-school-supplies>
[image: Teen girl holding school books]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/teen-girl-holding-school-books> Teen
girl holding school books
[image: Educational items border]
<https://webkits.oplin.org/content/educational-items-border> Educational
items border <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/educational-items-border>
*Laura Solomon,  MCIW, MLS *(She/her)
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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