[oplinwebkits] New graphics this week (3/11/22)

Don Yarman don at oplin.ohio.gov
Fri Mar 11 07:26:30 EST 2022

Oh, Storyblocks: tell us something we don't know!

It's tax time again, and providing the materials is always a challenge. No
one wants to face it, not when spring is stirring. We've slogged through
two years of pandemic upheaval and were burnt out. But the Storyblocks show
us the way forward, advising us to focus on what brought us to this work in
the first place, and promises that we can find success and fulfillment by
looking past the troublesome chores and see the real, positive effect we

[image: storyblock_oracle_logo (small).png]

On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 6:38 AM Laura Solomon via OPLINWebkits <
oplinwebkits at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> Latest Storyblocks
> Open Latest Storyblocks configuration options
> Open configuration options
> [image: Tax time] <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/tax-time> Tax time
> <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/tax-time>
> [image: Tax materials] <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/tax-materials> Tax
> materials <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/tax-materials>
> [image: Daffodils] <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/daffodils> Daffodils
> <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/daffodils>
> [image: Book opening to landscape]
> <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/book-opening-landscape> Book opening
> to landscape <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/book-opening-landscape>
> [image: Children with open book]
> <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/children-open-book> Children with open
> book <https://webkits.oplin.org/content/children-open-book>
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