[oplinwebkits] It's probably time for a research database checkup 🩺

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Fri Nov 18 10:36:17 EST 2022

Is your Webkit's list of databases up to snuff? Here's a handy checklist
(with some additional resources) to help you out:

   1. *_____Does your site provide a direct link to (or use the logo of)
   the Ohio Web Library? Don't! * This may be surprising, considering that
   OPLIN created OWL. The Ohio Web Library is a federated search for most of
   the statewide databases, and is not intended to be marketed as a service
   directly to patrons. In fact, that's a large part of why OWL is built
   directly into every Webkit's search feature. Patron's don't know what OWL
   is. *OPLIN always recommends listing databases individually, in addition
   to the OWL search feature that's already built-in.*
   2. *_____Is your database listing using up-to-date images?* OPLIN* used*
   to recommend screenshots of databases, before it provided more appealing
   images specifically for the use of Webkit clients. You can get more
   colorful, updated images at the Client Resource site
   <https://webkits.oplin.org/database-images>. These provide more context
   for users, to help them decide if a database might meet their needs. This
   is also why OPLIN has never recommended using vendor logos; patrons don't
   usually recognize them.
   3. *_____Is your site's list complete? *You can double-check what you
   have for the statewide options here
   <https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/databases/linking>. These are databases that
   are already available to every Ohio public library, so make sure you
   actually have them all!

****Still aren't using the Webkit Database Display? You can order one for
your site here <https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/webkit/market/dbasedisplay>, for
*Laura Solomon,  MCIW, MLS *(She/her)
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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