[oplinwebkits] If your library uses the Flippingbook feature...

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Thu Oct 27 07:11:24 EDT 2022

***If you have comments about this info, please email me directly at
laura at oplin.ohio.gov <laura at oplin.ohio.gov>, not to the list***

Hello again,

You may remember this email from a couple of months ago. I want to thank
those of you who responded to me, and those who provided raw samples for me
to look at. Here's what I found out:

   1. It seems that some creation programs, such as InDesign and Constant
   Contact, provide the correct format by default, where it is a
   one-page-at-a-time layout.
   2. Microsoft Publisher can *also* do this layout, but it may not be by
   default.  Publisher also has a two-page layout, which is actually, by PDF
   printing standards, considered to be only one page.
   3. When using the Publisher layout which displays two pages, side by
   side, it cannot later be split into two individual pages (at least in what
   I could find/try). The pages have to be created individually, in a one-page
   layout, from the beginning.

I'm not sure how this might change any printing requirements for those
making print copies for patrons, but I figured I'd share my findings

*Laura Solomon,  MCIW, MLS *(She/her)
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov

On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 10:55 AM Laura Solomon <laura at oplin.ohio.gov> wrote:

> I've got a question for you :) *Please respond directly to
> laura at oplin.ohio.gov <laura at oplin.ohio.gov>, not this list.*
> I've noticed that some libraries send me their PDF newsletters in a
> typical, vertical format, so that they look like this:
> [image: vertical.png]
> But other libraries send me PDF that show the back page on initial viewing:
> [image: horizontal.png]
> Can anyone clue me in as to why the horizontal layout with the back page
> happens? Or, if it's because of a type of software that's used? Thanks for
> any info you can help me out with! *Please respond directly to
> laura at oplin.ohio.gov <laura at oplin.ohio.gov>, not this list.*
> Laura
> --
> *Laura Solomon,  MCIW, MLS *(She/her)
> *Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network
> (614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
> laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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