[Seo-circ] Hold Changes

JMiley at library.ohio.gov JMiley at library.ohio.gov
Wed Apr 29 15:58:35 EDT 2020

Hello everyone,

As some locations are preparing to open or offer curbside service, SEO staff have made some changes.

Re-opening Information & Holds
The SEO staff have made some changes with how holds work because of the uncertainty of the COVID-19 outbreak and until Priority Dispatch is able to resume normal service.

Holds will now be placed at the Group Level. This means that only your items will fill holds for your library system.

While this setting requires no further action on your part, we are asking the items you currently have in transit in your buildings be re-scanned if you are re-opening. The purpose of this action is two-fold. First, it will allow your items that are in transit to another location stay in your system. Second, it will update the transit date which will provide a more accurate statistic.

The SEO staff have been working hard to ensure that the OnShelf wizard will also reflect this change. Right now, there are some holds which are not conforming to the new rules, and SirsiDynix is looking into it for us.

Pickup Notices
Hold/SMS Pickup notices currently use this verbiage:
***Requested materials are waiting for you at your Library. Please pick-up within 7 days.***

A new option is available during this time if you want to use it:
***Requested library materials are ready, please contact your library for pickup options***

If you want to change to this verbiage, please open a ticket<http://support.servingeveryohioan.org/> or e-mail support at servingeveryhioan.org<mailto:support at servingeveryohioan.org>. We have already selected this choice if we have been notified that your library is using curbside pickup.

Stay healthy,

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Jay Miley
Library Customer Services Manager, SEO Service Center
State Library of Ohio
40780 Marietta Road, Caldwell, Ohio 43724
Phone: 1-877-552-4262
Fax: 1-800-446-4804

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