[Seo-circ] New User Profile and User Category 1 Options

JMiley at library.ohio.gov JMiley at library.ohio.gov
Wed Jul 15 12:55:43 EDT 2020

Hello everyone -

SEO has added two new user options.

Book Club User Profile
You can now have an option of using the BOOKCLUB user profile. You can use the profile for your book discussion groups/story time cards. With this profile, you can place multiple title-level holds without having to override. You will no longer need to place copy-level holds on the same title.

A video demonstrating the Book Club profile is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x62i3z1kodw

At this time, multiple title-level holds will only work with the BOOKCLUB profile. SEO staff is investigating the best method to introduce this feature to other profiles.

Non-binary User Cat 1 (Gender/Decade of Birth)
SEO staff can add the option of NONBINARY to your Gender/Decade of Birth user category.

If you are interested in one or both of these options, please complete the form located at https://servingeveryohioan.org/july-2020-new-user-options/

Stay safe & healthy,

Jay Miley
Library Customer Services Manager, SEO Service Center
State Library of Ohio
40780 Marietta Road, Caldwell, Ohio 43724
Phone: 1-877-552-4262
Fax: 1-800-446-4804

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