[Seo-circ] User Categories

bmichel at library.ohio.gov bmichel at library.ohio.gov
Fri May 1 08:37:37 EDT 2020

Good Morning,

I wanted to let you know that SEO has been working on customizing the User Categories for Gender-Decade of Birth, County Township, and School Districts. We hope this makes it a little easier for your circulation staff, as they will not have so many codes to sort through.

Staff will notice that in the user category of County Township two codes have changed. The code for “Other Ohio County” went from 2OTHO to 2OTHCOUNTY. The code for “Out of State” went from 2OUT to 2OUTSTATE.

In the School District user category, there were several new ones added. The code may have changed for the school districts that you use.

Attached is a list of each User Category mentioned above for staff to refer to. They are also on the support site.

If you have any questions, please email me off list.

Thanks, and stay safe,


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