[Seo-circ] Cargo Supplies Available

Beccy Ramsey beccyramsey at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 14:13:22 EDT 2022

We have plenty of extra supplies also, we would send out to anyone who
needs them!


Beccy Ramsey, Director
*Ridgemont Public Library*
124 E. Taylor St. P.O. Box 318
Mt. Victory, OH 43340
PH/FAX  #937-354-4445
Hrs. M., T., & TH. 10-6:00 pm & Sat. 10-1:00 pm

On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 2:10 PM Christina Stump <
cstump at loudonvillelibrary.org> wrote:

> Loudonville library has two bags of bubble mailers/envelopes available.
> Let me know if you want any.
> Christina
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