[Seo-circ] Patron Point Update: Courtesy & Autorenewal Notices

JMiley at library.ohio.gov JMiley at library.ohio.gov
Tue Oct 18 09:50:15 EDT 2022

Hello all -

Beginning October 26, 2022, SEO will begin using the Patron Point service to send Courtesy & Autorenewal notices. Like hold and overdue notices, the notices will be branded with your library logo and have links to your webpage and My Account.

Sample courtesy notice e-mail: https://seooh.patronpoint.com/email/view/633ac4aa1fdcd982011101
Courtesy notice SMS: ***<first name>, you have library items due soon at <library name>. View your account at seolib.cc/<library code>***

Sample autorenewal notice: https://seooh.patronpoint.com/email/view/63454e0a8e97e692079383
Autorenewal SMS: ***<first name>, you have library items that renewed automatically. View your account at seolib.cc/<library code>***

In the past, these notices were sent to any library user with an e-mail on file regardless of notification preference. With the move to Patron Point, only library users with EMAIL, SMS, or SMS_EMAIL notification preference will receive these notices. If you would like a list of your users who have an e-mail address on file and have STANDARD or NONOTICES notification preference, a list can be ran in BLUEcloud Analytics in the LIST OF USERS WITH EMAIL ADDRESS<https://na1-microstrategy.bc.sirsidynix.net/bcanalytics2/asp/Main.aspx?evt=4001&src=Main.aspx.4001&visMode=0&reportViewMode=1&reportID=5871825E11E5F74400000080EF956686&Server=NOAM-BCA-MS-INTEL-3-3&Project=BCA%20OHIO&Port=0&share=1> report or create a ticket at http://support.servingeveryohioan.org.


The SEO Team<https://servingeveryohioan.org/meet-our-team/>

[cid:image001.png at 01D8E2D7.040EE280]
Jay Miley
Customer Service & Library System Manager
SEO Service Center
State Library of Ohio
40780 Marietta Road, Caldwell, Ohio 43724
Phone: 1-877-552-4262
Fax: 1-800-446-4804

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