[Seo-circ] Issues with Libby & Digital Cards Today

Christina Stump cstump at loudonvillelibrary.org
Thu Apr 20 13:38:45 EDT 2023

Hi all,

We have had three (maybe four) patrons call or come in today with issues accessing their Libby app accounts. I haven't been able to get the problem to replicate where I can see it, but here's some of the issues:

  *   Patrons who use the instant digital access card through their phone have been asked to verify and sign back in, but once they do there is an error message that tells them to call their local library
  *   Patrons who use their physical card are still receiving an error message when they attempt to check items out
  *   On my own account, I saw a list of "available now" titles but when attempting to check the titles out they say they are all out on loan (these are all really obviously popular titles like the Prince Harry biography). I am still able to check out and use titles that are actually available.

Has anyone heard whether Libby is working on this problem? I've just recommended patrons uninstall and reinstall the app to see what happens. I was able to be successful with one patron by having them use their physical card instead of the instant digital access card.
Thank you!

Christina Stump
Public Services Lead
Loudonville Public Library
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