[SEO-Members] Monthly Maintenance Reminder!

bmichel at library.ohio.gov bmichel at library.ohio.gov
Sat Feb 1 09:35:59 EST 2020

Required Maintenance
For staff designated in your library, you may begin your monthly maintenance reports today.
The following reports can be obtained from your Special User Account or from Item Group Editor (IGE)

(Special Users are YOUR libraries 3 letter code and MISSING, MENDING and DISPLAY)

  *   XXXMISSING----Please check your shelves and if any items are found please check them in. Any item checked out to your libraries designated MISSING user will be removed from system after 4 months if not found.

  *   XXXMENDING---- Please check your shelves, and check with staff that are responsible for repairing or replacing these items. If any items are found, or have been repaired or replaced, please check them in. Any item checked out to your libraries designated MENDING user will be removed from system after 12 months.

  *   XXXDISPLAY---Please check your display areas for these items. If not found in the display areas, check your shelves. If items are found, please check them in. The Advisory Committee recommends that items belonging to other libraries be on display for only one loan period.

Note: You may not have access to Item Group Editor.  Item Group Editor is available when logging in as a TECH or MANAGER. You will need to type the policy, in ALL CAPS, in the Current Location field to obtain your lists, then copy and paste the results.

The following reports can be obtained from Item Group Editor

  *   LOST-ASSUM ---- Please check your shelves and if any items are found please check them in. If using Unique Management for collection purposes, SEO does not recommend deleting LOST-ASSUM items, or checking out LOST-ASSUM items to your XXXDISCARD user.

  *   LOST-CLAIM ---- Please check your shelves and if any items are found please check them in. If using Unique Management for collection purposes, SEO does not recommend deleting LOST-CLAIM items, or checking out LOST-CLAIM items to your XXXDISCARD user.

The following report is Scheduled to run for Each Library on the 10th of Every Month

INTRANSIT---- Please check your shelves and if any items are found please check them in.  SEO recommends your library submit a claim with Priority Dispatch for any of your items that have been in-transit for 30 days.  Please submit a Delivery Customer Service Form<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flibrary.ohio.gov%2Fservices-for-libraries%2Fstatewide-delivery%2Fstatewide-delivery-customer-service%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cjbond%40library.ohio.gov%7Cc57fc0772e2a4d7e0e5208d4025dac67%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0&sdata=bhLEsBUlnMtSBlXs%2FgASCyC2FfkgfMobFxbAulNBZC0%3D&reserved=0> to file a claim for your lost items. After submitting your claim form, please check the item out to your XXXMISSING user.

SEO Recommends the following:
User Holds to Expire Soon--- SEO can create a report in WorkFlows that will list your patrons with holds about to expire. We can deliver it to the login of your choice. (i.e.: CIRC, TECH or MANAGER)

  *   With this report you can determine why your patron's holds have not been filled.  For example, was it the only item on the record and it is lost/missing or has the patron suspended their hold?

  *   Be sure to check your shelves for items identified on your lists.
  *   Always be sure to check-in any items you find using the Check-In Wizard.
  *   Remember that a last activity date range can be selected in Item Group Editor.

The SEO Symphony WorkFlows Team

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Brenda Michel
Library Information Services
State Library of Ohio
SEO Library Center
40780 Marietta Rd Caldwell Ohio 43724
Phone:  740-783-5705 1-877-552-4262
Fax: 740-783-3203; 800-446-4804

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