[SEO-Members] DVD Cases

Maryann Swonger mswonger at tusclibrary.org
Mon Feb 10 09:22:25 EST 2020

Ok, the box has been claimed, any additional responses will be sent when the next available box is ready to ship.

Thank you!

Maryann Swonger
Technical Services Assistant, Support Services
Tuscarawas County Public Library System

330.364.4474 ext 253 | mswonger at tusclibrary.org


121 Fair Avenue NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663
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From: Maryann Swonger
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 9:13 AM
To: seo-members at lists.oplin.org <seo-members at lists.oplin.org>
Subject: DVD Cases

Hello All,

Once again, we're giving away SINGLE DVD CASES.  We've got a full B&T box, ready to ship, to the first to respond.  However, even if you don't respond right away but would be interested in receiving a box, please let me know.  We're switching all new DVDs that come in to the new browser pack system that we're using, and will continue to have cases to give away.  This email is for SINGLE DVD CASES.  We will give away multiple DVD cases as well, but not at this time.

If interested, please respond with your cargo location, and they'll go out today!

Thank you!

Maryann Swonger
Technical Services Assistant, Support Services
Tuscarawas County Public Library System

330.364.4474 ext 253 | mswonger at tusclibrary.org


121 Fair Avenue NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663
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