[SEO-Members] FW: [SEOdirectors] Cargo

JMiley at library.ohio.gov JMiley at library.ohio.gov
Thu Oct 8 12:21:51 EDT 2020

Hello everyone –

Below is a forwarded message about materials for HRF being sent do HRP. Materials for HRF should be routed to HHI.

Delivery exceptions documents can be downloaded from our support site at https://support.servingeveryohioan.org/index.php?pid=knowledgebase&cmd=viewentclient&id=295

====Forwarded Message from Beccy Ramsey====

Good afternoon everyone,

Just wanted to say we are receiving items here at HRP that are to be sent to HRF they are Not a Branch of HRP.
I feel having to quarantine here and then relabel and ship, Patrons are having to wait an extra long time for their items :(
Please double check that last letter!

Beccy Ramsey, Director
Ridgemont Public Library
124 E. Taylor St. P.O. Box 318
Mt. Victory, OH 43340
PH/FAX  #937-354-4445
Hrs. M., T., & TH. 10-6:00 pm & Sat. 10-1:00 pm

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