[SEO-Members] Additional Claims Returned Information

mwyscarver at library.ohio.gov mwyscarver at library.ohio.gov
Mon Aug 23 17:35:16 EDT 2021

Hello everyone,
We had a few emails asking for clarification concerning the Claims Returned feature.

  1.  Question: My staff told me that we cannot mark another library's items as claims returned and that it was an SEO rule, so other libraries can track their items. Is that true, or are we able to mark another libraries item as claims returned on our patron's record?

Answer: It WAS an unwritten rule that you only put your own items in claims returned. But it's now a WRITTEN rule. I edited the documentation to reflect that you only put YOUR items in Claims Returned status.  I added that you CAN contact the owning library to ask for permission to place their item in Claims Returned. Some libraries do not use the feature so please respect their policy.

  1.  Question: Is there any way to make this not show up forever on the patron's record in the checked out list? Patrons get upset because it continues to show up in the checked out list. They don't understand it even when explained that it clearly states "claims returned" It would be nice if it could be in a note field or another field that only we can see.

Answer: By default, claims returned items do not display in the checkout tab in the online catalog. However, accruing fines will display. To remedy this, when you are placing an item in claims returned status use a return date that is on or before the actual the due date.

Thank you for your questions.

Misty Wyscarver


SEO Service Center

40780 Marietta Road

Caldwell OH, 43724

mwyscarver at library.ohio.gov<mailto:mjanusik at library.ohio.gov>

Phone: 877-552-4262

Fax: 800-446-4804


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