[SEO-Members] Help cast Ohio's vote for 2025 CSLP slogan and 2026 summer program theme!

jdwyer at library.ohio.gov jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Mon Aug 8 13:51:47 EDT 2022

Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.

Good afternoon,

Thank you for the terrific response to the CSLP Theme/Slogan survey for Ohio. We already have over 200 responses in just over 4 hours!

I want to share some corrections to the Spanish translations of the proposed 2025 slogans. I will correct these on the survey as well. Corrections are highlighted:

Art for All / Arte para todos
Color Our World / Colorea nuestro mundo
Create and Make at your Library / Crea y haz en tu biblioteca
Express yourself / Exprésate
Gallery of Stories / Galería de cuentos
Paint Your World with Stories / Pinta tu mundo con cuentos
A Rainbow of Stories / Un arcoíris de cuentos
Read, Create, and Inspire / Lee, crea, e inspira
Read, Create, and Illustrate / Lee, crea, e ilustra

The survey will remain open through Monday, August 22 at 8:00 am.

From: Ingraham Dwyer, Janet
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 9:30 AM
To: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Subject: Help cast Ohio's vote for 2025 CSLP slogan and 2026 summer program theme!

Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.

The Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) Theme/Slogan Committee has selected the finalists for 2025 slogan and 2026 program theme from suggestions submitted by librarians around the USA. Thank you to all who responded to the call for slogan and theme suggestions earlier this year.

See the finalists here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LGQUqmOdBgh_-1lVwQMwBk-GIh4e3q2A/view?usp=sharing>.

The 2025 slogan and 2026 theme will be determined by a vote of member states at the CSLP Annual Meeting at the end of August.
Please help determine Ohio's vote by selecting your favorites from among the finalists. You may vote for up to 3 slogans for 2025 and 3 themes for 2026.

Vote for your favorites by 8:00 am on Monday, August 22:

All questions are optional. If you want to vote only for 2025 slogans or only for 2026 themes, that is fine. There is also a feedback opportunity, should you have any other suggestions for the CSLP or any questions.
Multiple staff members from your library may vote. Each respondent should complete the survey separately.

CSLP themes and slogans are for all ages. If you want to see themes and slogans selected for upcoming CSLP program years, and past CSLP slogans:


In addition to the Ohio vote, you have the opportunity to participate in a CSLP listening session to share your thoughts on the upcoming slogan and theme with CSLP board members and library workers nationwide. The listening sessions will be on Monday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 17.
All library workers are welcome to attend either session. There is no registration; just join at the Zoom link on the day of your choice:

  *   Monday, August 15, 3:00-4:00 pm ET: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82366477698?pwd=S2lnRkdqemxncjc3bkg4K0FFOWpuQT09
  *   Wednesday, August 17, 11:00-Noon ET: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88255083482?pwd=UFBOR3NiVHpUTndFQWhVKzVXend3QT09

The CSLP 2026 Theme and 2025 Slogan Listening Sessions provide staff from any CSLP member library a chance to voice and listen to various perspectives. They are your opportunity to build support for your favorite slogan and theme.

Thanks in advance for voting in the Ohio survey and for considering attending a Listening Session.


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Janet Ingraham Dwyer (she/her)
Library Consultant
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>

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