[SEO-Members] Collaborative Summer Library Program updates: 2025 slogan & 2026 theme finalists, upcoming listening sessions

jdwyer at library.ohio.gov jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Tue Jul 12 09:41:20 EDT 2022

Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.

While we're still in the thick of summer 2022, the Collaborative Summer Library Program is busy planning for future programs. Upcoming CSLP themes/slogans include:

  *   2023: Theme is Kindness / Friendship / Unity. Slogan "All Together Now."  Artist is Frank Morrison.
  *   2024: Theme is Adventure. Slogan "Adventure Begins at Your Library." Artist is Juana Martinez-Neal.
  *   2025: Theme is Art. Slogan TBD in fall 2022. Artist is Brian Floca.
  *   2026: Theme TBD in fall 2022

The 2025 slogan finalists and 2026 theme finalists<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LGQUqmOdBgh_-1lVwQMwBk-GIh4e3q2A/view?usp=sharing> have been determined. Save the date for CSLP 2026 Theme and 2025 Slogan Listening Sessions on Monday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 17.
All library workers are welcome to attend either session. There is no registration; just join at the Zoom link below on the day of your choice. The CSLP 2026 Theme and 2025 Slogan Listening Session provides all CSLP member libraries a chance to voice and listen to various perspectives. They are your opportunity to build support for your favorite slogan and theme.

I, along with the other state reps, will cast my vote on behalf of Ohio at the CSLP Annual Meeting on August 30-Sept 1. Whether or not you attend a listening session, you're welcome to contact me with your thoughts on the slogan and theme finalists. I will run a survey in August for Ohio library workers to vote on their favorites. The top vote-getters will get my vote at the CSLP meeting.

Here are the Zoom links for the CSLP 2026 Theme and 2025 Slogan Listening Sessions. I will send a reminder the week of August 8.

Monday, August 15, 3:00-4:00 pm ET: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82366477698?pwd=S2lnRkdqemxncjc3bkg4K0FFOWpuQT09
Wednesday, August 17, 11:00-Noon ET: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88255083482?pwd=UFBOR3NiVHpUTndFQWhVKzVXend3QT09

Check out the slogan and theme finalists here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LGQUqmOdBgh_-1lVwQMwBk-GIh4e3q2A/view?usp=sharing

Big thanks to the CSLP Theme & Slogan Review Committee for facilitating the year-long process to create the future CSLP themes and slogans voting slate.  If you would like to join this committee, please contact one of the co-chairs, Laura Kelly<mailto:Laura.Kelly at state.sd.us?subject=CSLP%20Theme%20&%20Slogan%20Committee> or Donna Throckmorton<mailto:dthrockmorton at azlibrary.gov?subject=CSLP%20Theme%20&%20Slogan%20Committee>, for more information, or explore other CSLP Committees here<https://www.cslpreads.org/committees/>.


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Janet Ingraham Dwyer (she/her)
Library Consultant
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>

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