[SEO-TECH] Free Cybersecurity Training for Public Libraries

mpost at library.ohio.gov mpost at library.ohio.gov
Wed Jan 10 16:24:56 EST 2024

Great Opportunity!!

From: Jessica Dooley <jessica at oplin.ohio.gov<mailto:jessica at oplin.ohio.gov>>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 3:13 PM
To: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org<mailto:oplinlist at lists.oplin.org>; oplinupdates at lists.oplin.org<mailto:oplinupdates at lists.oplin.org>; OPLINTECH <oplintech at lists.oplin.org<mailto:oplintech at lists.oplin.org>>
Subject: Free Cybersecurity Training for Public Libraries

Good afternoon,

A reminder that public libraries are eligible for the Ohio Persistent Cyber Improvement<https://www.ohiocyberrangeinstitute.org/opci> project, a State of Ohio initiative to provide local government entities with free cybersecurity training. Register your library in January, and O-PCI will reach out to discuss your participation options.

O-PCI will schedule training by county. Invite other local government entities in your area to register for O-PCI, including commissioners, schools, and utilities.

Participating organizations can receive:

    security training tailored for IT staff, managers, and decision makers
    assistance completing a cybersecurity inventory
    a cybersecurity best practices review and internal audit
    help developing a security response plan
    a red-on-blue response exercise.

O-PCI hosted an informational webinar in December. Watch a recording at https://bit.ly/opciwebinarvid.

Please reach out if I can answer any questions. Thanks,

Jessica D. Dooley (she/her)
Technology Project Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
jessica at oplin.ohio.gov<mailto:jessica at oplin.ohio.gov>

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