[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #585: Pokémon Go was just the beginning

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OPLIN 4Cast #585: Pokémon Go was just the beginning
March 14th, 2018

[image: augmented reality on smart phone] Who can forget Pokémon Go
<http://www.pokemongo.com/>? It wasn't the first AR (augmented reality) app
when it premiered in 2016, but it was certainly the app that introduced
most of the world to the concept of overlaying a digital reality on our
real one. Later this year, we'll see it's much-anticipated successor, Wizards
However, AR games are just the tip of what's happening in the AR world.
Yes, it's shaping the future of play
<https://www.wired.com/story/ar-toys-the-future-of-play/> (and possibly
replacing traditional toys for some?), but its other applications are
getting pretty interesting.

   - Amazon’s AR shopping tool is now available on Android
   [Engadget] "Last year, Amazon debuted AR View, its augmented reality
   shopping tool that lets you see how certain items will look in your home
   before you buy them. At launch, it was only available on iOS, but as of
   today, *9to5Google *reports, it's available on Android devices as well."
   - 16 Amazing AR Apps Transforming Education
   <http://stephenslighthouse.com/2018/03/11/29139/> [Stephen's Lighthouse]
   "Augmented reality makes education more fun and engaging. By adding a new
   layer of information on top of the physical environment, any concept
   becomes fun for the students to explore. AR provides more opportunities
   than most teachers are aware of. They just have to explore the right apps."
   - YouTube is adding a new AR green screen effect to its stories feature
   [The Verge] "The technology, explained in full over on Google’s research
   actually seems pretty impressive: the company is using neural networks to
   identify and separate a subject from the background. It’s the same net
   effect as a green screen, allowing creators to insert whatever they want as
   their new backdrop in real time, but it’s made all the more impressive
   because it doesn’t require an actual green screen to make separating the
   subject easier."
   - Microsoft’s mad scientists are making AR more tactile
   [Engadget] "It's a squeezable, gun-like device that let's you pick up and
   handle virtual objects and, thanks to haptic feedback, feel their softness
   and texture. It can even detect the differences between users' grips and
   the 'situational context of the virtual scene,' as Microsoft puts it."

*From the Ohio Web Library <http://ohioweblibrary.org>:*

   - Living in your design: Virtual and augmented reality is enabling
   (Smith, B. (2017). Living in your design: Virtual and augmented reality is
   enabling engineers. *Roads & Bridges*, *55*(12), 32. )
   - Augmented Reality Goes to Work
   (DICKSON, B. (2017). AUGMENTED REALITY GOES TO WORK. *PC Magazine*, 90. )
   - Virtual and Augmented Reality as Library Services
   (GREENE, D., & GROENENDYK, M. (2018). Virtual and Augmented Reality as
   Library Services. *Computers In Libraries*, *38*(1), 4-7. )

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