[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #693: Zoom is free, but comes with significant headaches

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OPLIN 4Cast #693: Zoom is free, but comes with significant headaches
April 8th, 2020

[image: Zoom logo] Thanks to the pandemic, and the fact that it is now
free, video conferencing app Zoom is pretty much everywhere. Even my
mother-in-law, who is in her 80s, has learned how to use it from her phone
for church meetups (and this is someone who can't even search Google). If
you have somehow managed not to use this platform yet, it's probably just a
matter of time.

However, as might be expected, popularity has made Zoom a much bigger
target, and exposed some serious issues.

   - Zoombombing is a crime, not a prank, prosecutors warn
   [Ars Technica] "'Hackers are disrupting conferences and online classrooms
   with pornographic and/or hate images and threatening language,' wrote the
   US Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Michigan. 'Anyone who
   hacks into a teleconference can be charged with state or federal crimes.'"
   - Zoom will enable waiting rooms by default to keep trolls out
   [Engadget] "Zoom will automatically include passwords in invites for
   scheduled meetings going forward. Those who had previously scheduled
   meetings for after April 5th are encouraged to resend their invites, so
   attendees won't have to ask for them. Also, now that waiting rooms are on
   by default, hosts will have to approve attendees before they can
   participate in a call. It could make hosting meetings a bit more difficult
   for those heading up large calls, but it's probably small price to pay to
   prevent unwanted guests from barging in."
   - Zoom 'unsuitable' for government secrets, researchers say
   <https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-52152025>[BBC] "Until recently,
   Zoom was used mainly by large businesses for video conference calls. But
   the explosion in users during the coronavirus pandemic has created 'a new
   gold rush for cyber-spies', The Citizen Lab's report said."
   - Zoom Now Under Investigation by at Least 2 States Over Security
   [Gizmodo] "Previous screwups by the company included the discovery last
   year that it had installed insecure, persistent local web servers on Mac
   devices that exposed users who visited malicious websites to webcam
   hijacking, which Zoom initially defended as a feature before eventually
   patching it out under pressure. Reports this week allege that Zoom’s claims
   to have true end-to-end encryption are
   with an additional report by the Canada-based Citizen Lab on Friday finding
   that its implementation of encryption is seriously flawed and transmits
   keys through servers in China, where Zoom could potentially be subject to
   pressure from state authorities."

*From the Ohio Web Library <http://ohioweblibrary.org>:*

   A. (2020). Zoom Kaboom! *Forbes*, *203*(2), 76–85.)
   - Little Known Company's Shares Surge Again As Investors Confuse It With
   Zoom Video Communications
   (Neer Varshney. (2020, March 10). Little Known Company’s Shares Surge Again
   As Investors Confuse It With Zoom Video Communications. *Benzinga*.)
   - All Eyes On Zoom: How The At-Home Era's Breakout Tool Is Coping With
   Surging Demand -- And Scrutiny
   A. (2020). All Eyes On Zoom: How The At-Home Era’s Breakout Tool Is Coping
   With Surging Demand -- And Scrutiny. *Forbes.Com*, N.PAG.)

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