[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #680: Selfies, Guy Fawkes, and Data Poisoning

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OPLIN 4Cast #680: Selfies, Guy Fawkes, and Data Poisoning
August 5th, 2020

[image: Man in a Guy Fawkes mask pointing upwards with both hands] OK, we
talk about facial recognition a lot here on the 4cast. We wouldn't blame
you if you suspected we were a little obsessed. But when I caught a random
news article about how researchers at University of Chicago have developed
a tool—called "Fawkes" in honor of the Guy Fawkes masks sported by
protesters—which disrupts the systems that build facial recognition
systems, I was intrigued, and it led me into the larger field of data

   - Image-scaling attacks highlight dangers of adversarial machine learning
   [*TechTalks*] "The way these AI algorithms learn to tell the difference
   between different objects is different from how human vision works. Most
   adversarial attacks exploit this difference to create small modifications
   that remain imperceptible to the human eye while changing the output of the
   machine learning system."
   - Fawkes protects your identity from facial recognition systems, pixel
   by pixel
   [*ZDNet*] "The Fawkes system is a form of data poisoning. The aim is to
   post photos which, once scraped by a machine learning service, teach the
   model the wrong features and misdirect them in what makes a subject unique."
   - This Tool Could Protect Your Photos From Facial Recognition
   [*NY Times*] "Ideally, people would start cloaking all the images they
   uploaded. That would mean a company like Clearview that scrapes those
   photos wouldn’t be able to create a functioning database, because an
   unidentified photo of you from the real world wouldn’t match the template
   of you that Clearview would have built over time from your online photos."
   - ‘Cloaking’ is the new biz of hiding from facial recognition
   <https://thehustle.co/08042020-cloaking-facial-recognition/> [*The
   Hustle*] "But they might be too late. Clearview AI has already
   copied billions of photos off the internet. And its CEO says Fawkes could
   *improve* Clearview's tech."

*From the Ohio Web Library <http://ohioweblibrary.org>:*

   - Newcomb, Alyssa. “What Is Clearview AI and Why Is It Raising so Many
   Privacy Red Flags?
   ” *Fortune.Com*, Mar. 2020, p. N.PAG.
   - Leong, Brenda. “Facial Recognition and the Future of Privacy: I Always
   Feel like ... Somebody’s Watching Me
   .” *Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists*, vol. 75, no. 3, May 2019, p. 109.
   - Garfinkel, Simson. “How Angry Truckers Might Sabotage Self-Driving Cars
   .” *MIT Technology Review*, vol. 120, no. 6, Nov. 2017, p. 14.

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