[OPLINLIST] Grant Opportunity

Jane Byrnes JBYRNES@SLOMA.state.oh.us
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 12:23:09 -0500

Grant Opportunity

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announces the availability
of "We the People" Bookshelf awards.   The objective of the program is to
foster a greater interest in reading and American history in young people
through books and literary activities that promote the theme of courage.  

All public and school libraries are eligible to apply.  If awarded NEH
provides a "bookshelf" of 15 books and supplemental materials.  Libraries
would have to organize and conduct programs on the theme.  Collaboration
with bookstores, historical societies and other agencies is encouraged.  

Applications can be completed online at
<http://grants.neh.gov/bookshelf/apply1.asp>  between December 15 and
Febraruy 15.  

The project description is limited to 3200 characters and must state how the
library intends to promote the "We the People" Bookshelf, how the theme will
be integrated into program activities and how readers will be motivated to

For more information contact NEH staff at 202-606-8589 or at info@neh.gov